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The Golden Ratio Colouring Book

Extent: 96pages

Size: 250x250mm

Publication Date: 17/11/2016

Price: £9.99

ISBN: 9781910552643

Categories: Colouring

About the Book

Everyone talks vaguely about the ‘patterns’ to be found in mathematics, but in this colouring book you will find them in all their inspirational glory.

Many of the intricate waves, loops and geometrics that can be found in nature and art have their basis in maths – but you need no prior knowledge to admire and colour them.

From mandalas to fractals, sunflowers to tiling, there is much to enjoy here and throughout the book you will also find short descriptions of particularly important curves, structures or geometric patterns to further your knowledge.

Relax and enjoy the intricate patterns in this book and add colour to create stunning designs of your own. Who knows? You might begin to better understand the world too.