First job was quite quirky: I was the Letters Editor at the ancient Lady magazine. I had to personally reply to readers' household and miscellaneous queries, and print a selection of them in the mag each week. Very old-fashioned, but excellent fun.
Main work has been working as a sub-editor on consumer magazines, everything from cars, to lads' gadgets, to fashion, to true life women's mags.
Previous titles with Buster Books: Girls' Book of Secrets and Girls' Book of Friendship.
Particular interests include: yoga, travel, music ...
Buster Books
The Girls’ Book of Friendship
Gemma Reece
The Girls' Book of Friendship is every girl's guide to getting along and having the best fun together.
Buster Books
The Girls’ Book of Secrets
Gemma Reece
The Girls' Book of Secrets is the indispensable secret guide to keeping cool and confident and coping with the mysteries of modern life.