Ferdie Addis read Classics at Oxford University, before embarking on a career as a journalist and author. He has written The Good Samaritan Bites the Dust (2011), I Have a Dream (2011) and Opening Pandora’s Box (2010) for Michael O’Mara Books. He lives in London.
O'Mara Books
I Have a Dream
Ferdie Addis
To read of Elizabeth I addressing her troops before the Spanish Armada, or Martin Luther-King urging the American population for racial equality is to understand the tremendous power of language to in
O'Mara Books
Opening Pandora’s Box
Ferdie Addis
It has been one of those days.
O'Mara Books
The Good Samaritan Bites the Dust
Ferdie Addis
Ever claimed that there is 'no rest for the wicked', judged something as 'sour grapes', or rallied friends by shouting 'eat, drink and be merry'?